Number of missing children in the USA and Canada:
According to the FBI Missing Children Reports, there are currently 87,438 active
cases in the USA, as of December of 2019. The missing children are juveniles under the age
18, which account for 30,618 (35%) of cases. In Canada, there is an estimate of 45,288
children every year.
Number of missing children in Europe :
According to the European Comission and Missing Children Europe, more 250,000
children go missing in Europe every year (in Germany and the UK there are over 100,000
children reports every year). In 2019, as the latest report, there have been 55,284 calls
related to missing children, which were answered by the hotlines across Europe.
Number of missing children in Asia :
According to the International Centre For Missing and Exploited Children, there
are approximately between 20,000 and 200,000 missing children in China and Southeast Asia
It is believed that hundreds of thousands of children in Asia are being traded for labor or
trafficking every single day.
Number of missing children in Africa :
According to the South African Police Service Missing Persons Bureau, every five
hours a child goes missing in this country. However, the exact number of missing children is
unknown. It is estimated that over 18,000 children have been reported missing; 25% of the
children have never been found.